Poster format: Display areas are 4' (122cm) x 8' (244cm) - landscape orientation. We will provide push pins for the poster presentations.
In addition to presenting your poster during the regular poster session, you will also give a 2-minute overview during one of the poster spotlight sessions on the same day that you present your poster. Spotlight presentations are limited to 2-3 slides and 2 minutes in total. The goal is to introduce the work and present the key result(s). People will visit your poster for more information.
Please email your slides (as PPT) to your spotlight session chair by 12pm on Oct. 1 using the following naming convention, to make sure that the slides are uploaded onto the spotlight laptop: NameSurname_DateOfPosterPresentation_PosterNumberOnTheProgram
Example: WalterScheirer_Oct2_01Please also be prepared with a copy of your slides on a memory stick. Confirm with your session chair that your spotlight slides were received.
At the beginning of your spotlight session, please come to the front of the room and line up based on the order that your postershave been listed (numbered) in the program.
The spotlight session chairs are: