The organizing committee of the IJCB 2017 is offering following levels of sponsorships.

Silver Level:
$ 3K and above

Gold Level:
$ 5K and above

Platinum Level:
$ 10K and above

Benefits Silver ($3K+) Gold ($5K+) Platinum ($10K+)
Logo on the ICB Conference Page
Logo on posters in the conference venue
Logo in the final program booklet
Acknowledgement in proceedings if contract signed by June 30, 2017
Logo on conference bag
Poster space in conference area X
Banner / Publicity at Welcome Reception X
Demonstration desk in conference venue X X
Banner / Publicity at banquet X X
A 5-min pitch of the company products or recruitment at banquet X X
Option to sponsor one of the conference awards X X
Number of Complimentary Registrations 1 2 4


IJCB 2017 Sponsorship Chair:

Xiaoming Liu
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Scince and Engineering
Michigan State University
428 South Shaw Lane, Room 3115
East Lansing, MI 48824